I told you all about the Roots book that we got from the library a while back. We still have that book and have now read it many times. Sam always wants to go out and find roots. Fine with me but it is not always an easy task to explain that we can't see the roots of trees because they are underground. I have pulled up weeds before and shown her roots but she really wants to see the BIG tree roots. Today I decided to try and distract her with teaching her about other parts of the trees as well.
We sang this little song - to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (I made it up on the spot so keep your expectations low!)
We are learning about trees -- branches, roots, and trunks and leaves---each part has a different role--some tree trunks look like a pole --branches, roots,and trunks and leaves -- are all important parts of trees!
Then we acted out the different parts of the tree.
For roots we stuck our toes way down deep into the grass.
For the trunk we pushed out legs together tight and stood up nice and tall.
Our arms up above our heads and a bent a bit at the elbow made the branches.
And by wiggling our hands and fingers we made leaves.
Avery really liked the acting out the tree part. Then the girls and I headed around the yard to see how many trees we could find and if we could point out all the parts of the tree or find any roots that happened to be sticking out of the grass.
I got really inspired by this movement idea and changed up the words to "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" and made the song go like this -
Leaves, branches, trunk and roots. Trunk and roots. Leaves, branches, trunk and roots. Trunk and roots. Flowers, stems, seeds and bark. Leaves, branches, trunk and roots. Trunk and roots!
We didn't have all the motions figured out for this one but I still thought the song was cute.
I have no idea how our outdoor play was so musical today!! But we enjoyed it.
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