I am putting together an auction item basket for a silent auction at my church and just had to share two resources that I am putting in the basket. I found them at a local birding store and I may just have to bid on my own basket because I really want these books to stay at my house!
The first one is Backyard Birding for Kids by Fran Lee. This is a great kid friendly resource for learning about birds. Tons of information, activities for homemade houses and feeders and even tips of bird journaling. But the point of the book is the field guide sections. And they made it great kids! The birds are not categorized like you would find them in an adult field guide, they are broken down by where you would find them! So there is a "city birds", "country birds", "wetland birds", etc. sections to the book. The pictures are simple but also perfectly accurate and the information that is provided is stuff that kids (and me!) would actually find interesting! Great resource if you have an elementary school aged child that has an interest in birds.
The second resource is the Kids' Easy-To-Create Wildlife Habitats by Emily Stetson. I haven't gotten the chance to read this book cover to cover but the skimming that I have done makes it a book that I really want to read more from! First of all I have never before seen so many ideas for homemade, simple bird feeders! I was blown away by all the options. There is just so many different ideas in here for how to include food, water and shelter in your backyard for not only birds but insects, animals and amphibians. They even make putting a pond in your backyard seem easy! The whole book is just very eye catching. I could see sitting down with an upper elementary aged child and looking through this book for ideas and then having them work on several projects in their own backyard. This would be a great resource if you are interested in doing the Backyard Habitat Program!
Found any good green resources lately that you would like to share?
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