Nana's backyard is filled with flowers.
As described by a four year old there are yellow spikey ones,
orange ones that just look like lots of circles,
So to try and capture all the beautiful flowers in the backyard we got out our watercolors today. And painted out on the deck.
These are super simple sets, they actually came with coloring books (like Dora and Tinkerbell) but then we save the paints long after the book as all been used up.
Even though we walked around looking at the flowers, talking about their shapes and colors, Sam did not really translate that onto the page. She wanted to use blue paint, so suddenly there were blue flowers in Nana's backyard!
Oh well, we had great conversations about the flowers anyway. And painting is always fun.
Even I got into it!
I have no artistic skills but Sam just loves to see me paint with her. And I always find it very soothing.
A great way to spend some quality time while Avery was still napping.
Sweet flowers and paintings!
Posted by: Juliet@CreativeSTAR | 05/05/2012 at 03:02 AM
What a lovely activity and post! It would be great if you'd like to share this with our spring carnival. :)
Posted by: sunnymama | 05/05/2012 at 07:14 AM
Thanks so much! I am heading over there now to submit this post.
Posted by: Abbie | 05/05/2012 at 11:17 AM
Beautiful! I love painting and really need to encourage Miss Possum (and myself) to do it more. I love how you were studying the flowers. Perfect, simple activity!
Posted by: Penny @ Wildlife Fun 4 Kids | 05/07/2012 at 01:43 PM
Flower is such beautiful gift and best nature gift. I like to painting in my free time. You have done great work. Well done.
Posted by: code avantage | 05/09/2012 at 05:41 AM