Well, I found this awesome craft project and knew we had to try it out. Our neighbors rose bush has been dropping beautiful pink petals that we have been using in our mud kitchen but we have been wanting to craft with them as well.
However, our grocery store did not have contact paper and I don't keep that on hand. I thought I would try out cling wrap (saran wrap) to see if that would work. It does but there is a lot more steps and issues that make the project way more challenging!
Anyway, we used pressed leaves, fresh petals, pressed flowers, glue, rubber cemet, paper plates and cling wrap.
I cut a big hole out of the paper plate and then glued one layer of cling wrap to the back. Then Sam and Avery placed leaves and flowers in the middle. They weren't sticking very well (or at all!) so we started adding a small dab of rubber cemet to each leaf or flower. Then we placed another layer of cling wrap on top, gluing it to the plate.
I cut off all the extra cling wrap, punch a hole in the plate and then hung them up!
Avery lost interest right away. The cling wrap got caught on her fingers and the leaves and petals were tough for her to pick up. Sam finished one and then lost interest. But I left the supplies out and right before lunch she came back and wanted to make a few more. The cling wrap just added too many other steps to the process, steps that Sam really couldn't help with. At age 4 she likes to do as much of the craft as she can and this one was tricky for her.
If you head over to For the Children their process is much easier and more child friendly than the way we did this project!
Good for you for keeping at it. I am impressed that you made the cling wrap work. It came out great! Vicky from www.messforless.net
Posted by: Vicky | 05/18/2012 at 03:25 PM
Well, Bravo for even trying! The result is really pretty! And, it's a good thing that you tried to use what you had on hand! I am constantly spending money on supplies when I need just one or two of the bulk I must buy it in- I justify it by saying I'll use the stuff over years- but still....We have yet to make sun catchers- and the nature element of these is perfect. :)
Posted by: tricia | 05/18/2012 at 10:09 PM
I love them, they would look great in my kitchen windows
Posted by: mom kuhn | 05/20/2012 at 01:47 PM
Thanks so much for mentioning us in your post!! Ms. Barbara from For the Children
Posted by: Barbara Street | 08/10/2012 at 11:36 AM