We cleaned out a huge section of our back-back yard today. Then we dug six holes and buried all the seeds, guts and chunks of pumpkin waste that we had from our pumpkin carving party. The chunks and guts aren't really important, just a good way to compost those as well. I am hoping that if I can keep the weeds tamed back there that we could have a really good pumpkin patch.
The girls were very curious about what was going on and grabbed little rakes and shovels to help us dig the holes, plant the seeds and clear out some brush.
Today, unlike most days, I did not tell them they had to help. I didn't encourage them to come over and join me. I let them play and do their own thing while I got started. They gradually became interested in what I was doing and both found their way over to me wanting to help out. I love that!
We have a lot more yard work days coming up with dead-heading plants, raking leaves and cleaning up to get ready for winter. Though the girl's "help" may sometime slow us down it is so much more fun when these days can be spent as a family.
Do you include your kids in yard work?
The Nitty Gritty!
Not much else to add about yard work. I enjoy it most days but the work to clear out our pumpkin patch was killer on my back and my bed is calling my name!
I do want to let you all know that I am going to be out for a few days this week. I am headed to the WI Association for Environmental Education Fall Conference! I am SO excited for this conference, especially a workshop on early childhood environmental education. Can't wait to share with you all the new stuff that I learn.
I will still get the outdoor play link up on Friday (super excited about my idea to share!) but probably not much else, until I get back on Sunday.
Hoping to at least get a book post up before I head out of town though!
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