Well, almost.
WE MISSED STRAWBERRY PICKING SEASON! A very short picking season combined with our crazy month of June means that we did not get to go and pick our own strawberries this year. We called the local farm that we like and they said they could put together an order for us TODAY but we had to come and pick it up this morning. We also didn't get to order nearly as much as we wanted.
But don't they look great? And they are SO sweet this year. Our jam amount will be seriously decreased because I can't keep my kids (read husband!) from eating them right out of the box.
Our labor IS finally starting to pay off in the garden. Sam, Avery and I spent some time last night when we got home and today examining our garden very closely. What fun it is to play I-Spy in the garden and have them trying to find all the flowers, bugs and veggies that are just starting to grow! I am also teaching Sam how to gently lift up leaves and move branches so that they can find the hidden beans and tomatos. Look at what all we have found so far!
We are all so excited for when we can make a pizza covered in tomatos, pepper and basil from our own garden! I am also thinking that I need to get each girl a little basket with a handle on it for when they can start harvesting beans and tomatos.
The Nitty Gritty!
How is your garden doing? If you have a recent garden post or garden photos I would love to check it out! Leave the link in the comments and I will hop around to them all sometime this weekend!!!
And if you have any gardening with kids book suggestions I am interested in those too. I have read "Roots, Shoots, Buckets and Boots" but would love to get my hands on something that is actually designed for young kids to read. Suggest away!
the budding gardener looks cute just got it from the library
our garden is doing great and we are loving being a part of the CSA in town.
LOVE strawberries!
Posted by: welcome to our wonderland | 07/02/2011 at 12:11 PM