The weather is not cooperating in allowing me to get plants into the ground. So my tomato and pepper plant seedlings needed some re-potting love today.
Sam and I spent some time taking the little seedlings and putthing them in their own little pots. Since we were making the mess and had all the potting soil and pots inside anyway I decided to let her repot her house plant from her room as well. It was starting to look a little droopy from what I assumed to be lack of room from the store bought pot the plant came in.
Before we could re-pot it though we had to paint the pot!
The same method we used for painting snowflakes a while back is how we spelled out Sam on her flower pot. She had a great time.
And I also wanted to share a video with you tonight! This is as close as Avery gets to a word these days. If you come over to our house this is the most likely thing you will find Avery doing, standing at the window and screaming her word for birdie. I am not even going to try and describe what she is saying, you will just have to watch.
She is in love with birds! And apparently the window opening knob.
So, that was our Wednesday. What did you do today?
The Nitty Gritty!
Love the tape method that we used for the flower pot. So simple and since Sam is not into painting shapes or real patterns yet it works out great. She loves that her flower pot says her name!
Re-potting plants is also a really great time to do a lesson on the way plants work and what they need to grow. When we pulled Sam's house plant out of the small pot the rots were all wrapped around the outside of the soil. We had to pull them apart and loosen them a bit before we put the plant into the new pot. Sam thought they looked like hair or noodles. But I told her all about how they sucked up water from the soil and the plant used the water to grow. She really liked seeing the bottom of the plant.
We also talked about how plants need space. This is one thing that people don't always immediately think of when you ask them what plants need to survive. But plants need for space is why so many seeds have developed ways to spread themselves out (by floating on the wind, attaching to animals or humans, being carried by water, etc.). It is a very critical need for plants but a difficult one to describe and show to little kids. Re-potting plants and showing how crowded those roots can become is a great opportunity to teach this concept.
our weather was yucky too some of this week today felt warm but it was only in the 60's but I'll take it.
love the flowerpot that would make great mother's day gifts
Posted by: butterfly wishes and wonderland dreams | 04/20/2011 at 07:30 PM
Oh that video is too cute for words! My son is OBSESSED with squirrels and screams "NUH! NUH! NUUUUH!" at the window and whenever we go outside (nuh=nuts). :)
Posted by: Kimberly | 04/20/2011 at 09:07 PM
That is one pretty pot! I think we'll be trying the tape painting soon.
Posted by: Tat | 04/21/2011 at 05:59 AM