I love this blog.
When I started this 248 days ago it was for my girls. It was to pass to them the passion and love for all things related to nature that I have grown up with. But what I am discovering is that it has re-awakened in me my own passion. Made it stronger, more alive and reminded me just how much I NEED to be outside.
It is funny how I had become some complacent, so comfortable in everyday life, okay really I had become lazy. I had forgotten how much getting outside meant to me, how much it re-kindled my spirit and how much it is absolutely the cure to all of my ails.
My children have reminded me.
And the best part is that I don't even need big moutains, raging rivers or wild untouched places. The fresh air in my own backyard and the wonder on the girls eyes when they see something new for the first time is enough. I still long for those wild places, for backpacking, river camping trips and beautiful overlooks and I know someday we will do all of that again as a family. But for now bird watching, walks, exploring the creek and just being outside is awesome.
AND this blog has gotten me in the habit to do something everday! Which is probably the best part.
So today the bikes came down. My husband spent a good portion of the afternoon rearranging the garage, getting bikes and trailers down from hanging and hanging up a stoller that is no longer in use. When all the work was done Sam could not wait to go for a little ride.
The outside temps and the girls still being a bit sick meant that it was going to be a pretty quick ride but that was okay with everyone!
The trip went great! We were only out for 30 minutes or so but the girls had a good time and didn't fight with each other too much. Chris and I are excited to start trying longer and longer rides with them.
The Nitty Gritty!
Do you bike with your kiddos? Trailer or tandem biking? The girls are still too young for most tandem set-ups but I want to start looking into which brands would be the best for us. Any suggestions?
And has anyone used those seats that put the child up in front of the rider? They kind of make me nervous but it also might be a good option for Avery when Sam is old enough to ride on a tandem bike.
so much fun!!!
We don't bike I don't know how for one and the girls are obsessed with hiking and walking everywhere.
we have taken their scooters with us before on walking/bike paved paths and they scooter'd
Posted by: butterfly wishes and wonderland dreams | 03/06/2011 at 05:19 PM
Great sale today on those baby bicycle carriers on Totsy. Here's the link:
Too bad about the big snow we are supposed to get Wednesday. Really looking forward to the Green Circle trail sometime soon! Spring can't come soon enough!
Posted by: Tami S | 03/06/2011 at 06:30 PM
I guess we've talked about this over at the OutdoorBabyNetwork.com but we use a front seat (Kangaroo Carrier from Wee Ride) for my little guy and the 4-year-old rode his balance bike last summer. I think he'll get a regular bike this summer. And I always pull the bike trailer in case he gets tired.
Posted by: Mel | 03/08/2011 at 01:50 PM