Tomorrow is Friday which means the Circa Toys giveaway ends at 9:00pm! ONE MORE DAY to tweet or blog or facebook about the giveaway if you haven't already. AND for my special readers that might be coming back to check I am going to give you ONE more way to enter. You can EITHER "Like" the Greening Sam and Avery facebook page OR (if you have already "Liked" it), you can write something on the wall of the page just to let me know that you stopped by. Then come back here (for either one that you did) and on the original giveaway post leave me a comment about which one you did! Go head over to Facebook and get busy!
On to paint!
I realized that we had still never done the acorn painting that was the catalyst for having Mamma Rae send me a huge box of acorns! So today we got out some of those acorns and lots of paint and got busy.
This is Sam in action rolling the acorns back and forth across the paper. I just put blobs of paint on the paper to start with and threw the acorns in the pan.
She loved this and went crazy for a few minutes. The she turned and looked at me and said "Mommy we did this at school. What else can we do?" This preschool is KILLING ME! Stealing all my ideas and acorn painting excitement? How rude! (okay obviously part of me is thrilled that they are doing fun and interesting activities with natural items) So we moved on.
We headed outside and collected a bunch of interesting items and brought them back inside.
Then I told Sam that she could try out all of these items as paint brushes! She was curious for a while and carefully tested out each item to see what it would look like. Then her experimenting turned into this.
How many items can I fit into the egg carton with the paint? Still very creative and interesting.
Finally we wanted to attempt some paint mixing like I had seen over at Let the Children Play . They are doing some really fun things with paint and water right now. This one is mixing a couple kinds of paint and flour (we added water because I put WAY too much flour in the bowl). After mixing she then got to finger paint with the concoction.
Then the natural items came back out, and all the projects started to blend together. All in all a good day of painting.
The Nitty Gritty!
The collecting was good outside time for us today, and Sam sat painting happily for over an hour.
Still can't find the link for the acorn painting. I would love to give credit where credit is due, so if you have seen it out there before please let me know.
Let the children play has a tutorial for the flower mixing and a lot of other "potion making" kind of painting.
what fun! we love acorn painting. :)
love all our outdoor treasures.
Posted by: welcome to our wonderland | 11/18/2010 at 04:47 PM
That looks like a ton of fun! I bet all of those differnt paint brushes were awesome!
Posted by: amber | 11/18/2010 at 05:15 PM
Just wait till she comes back with "..but Miss says...", as if Miss has final word at home as well as school.
Glad you got to do the acorn painting in the end.
Posted by: Cheryl | 11/22/2010 at 04:13 AM