Yes, I took my daughter to work today! But not work like most people have work.
I had to meet my boss at an additonal site that the nature center owns. I have never been there before and am running a girl scout overnight there on Friday. Kind of important for me to at least see the place first! But we had to meet during the day which meant the girls had to come with. When your work is at a remote cabin with miles of hiking trails on a beautiful ridge, not such a bad place to bring kids!
I got a tour of the facility, learned all the dos and don'ts, and how to run an overnight. Then we decided to check on the tree tags for the tree identification trail (really it was just SO nice out that we couldn't resist going for a hike!).
It was a short hike for Sam (less than a mile) but the incline was crazy, I even struggled. But she did great. A few stops, some encouragement and yes, a little bit of whining. In the end she made it to the top though and had a great time.
Of course I forgot the camera. So mad at myself because there would have been some really cute photos. But oh well. Next time.
If you are in the Madison area and have a chance to attend a program at the Aldo Leopold Nature Center's Black Earth property DO NOT MISS IT! This place is amazing. I am so excited to teach out there on Friday and Saturday.
The Nitty Gritty!
Today reinforced to me that even when she whines, complains, asks to go back or says she doesn't want to go it is in her best interest for me to push her. Not unrealistically push her but to distract her from her frustration, give her the tools (drinks, snacks, games, etc.) to keep going and encourage her every step of the way. In the end she will be thrilled at what she accomplished and have a great time.
It is awesome how much my girls are teaching ME about being outside!
WOW your job is awesome!!! :)
my girls would have loved that place.
Posted by: welcome to our wonderland | 11/08/2010 at 06:48 PM
So you're saying you have the best job ever?
Posted by: gina | 11/08/2010 at 08:23 PM
That is so funny, because I was hiking with my kids today too and was in the same boat...lots of encouragement despite the whining. We all made it out with smiles on our faces. Life sometimes can be a struggle and teaching our children to relax and work through it can be so wonderful!
Posted by: Earth Mama | 11/08/2010 at 09:04 PM
Looks like you had a great day ;)
So great to combine work with pleasure!
Posted by: ella | 11/09/2010 at 05:34 PM