So this might be a long week! Sam had no interest in working on her letters today. Michelle commented yesterday with the great suggestion of the N is for Nature coloring book. It is very cute and I printed it out today for Sam. I am also trying to get that book for us to read as well.
Sam has shown so much interest in letters, asking us all the time "What's this for?" (copying the way you read an alphabet book, A is for...). But I think she may be a bit too young to really get it. I would love for her to be able to recoginize the letters in her name SAM. But she is really struggling with the m. We started with our Eric Carle Animal flash cards. These are fabulous by the way if you haven't checked them out they are/were a huge hit at our house. They are the first set of flash cards we used with her from a very young age and she knew all the animals really fast. This use to be a "parlor trick" that we would do when friends came over. People were impressed when she knew what a Xolo was! (yes we were those parents. I mean what are kids for if they aren't for entertaining dinner guests?)
After we worked on the letters with the animal flash cards for a bit I pulled out the coloring book that I had put into a three ringed binder. She colored a bit but still could not say M back to me from memory after I had showed and told her what it was several times. She kept saying W. Strange.
Anyway...I am working on some more hands-on type of activities that might be more vaguely attached to the alphabet. I was to encourage her interest and not have her hating the topic!
But I have lots of other stuff to tell you all about tonight. Yesterday officially ended the October Challenge. I didn't have a prize for this past month but I still really appreciate all of the people that sent in their challenge entries. I even got one more from Tami!
"I think one of the biggest examples we use at our house to be kind to the environment, would be to upcycle or reuse what has been tossed away by someone else. It's not only great for the environment, but it's thrifty and saves our family a ton of money, and keeps unnecessary things out of our landfills. For example, I rarely buy new books, toys, or clothing for my son. I shop rummage sales, Goodwill, St. Vinnie's, Craigslist, and consignment shops in search of a good deal. You can find lots of "like new" or name brand items, at thrift store prices. The way a 2 year old wears through pants, breaks toys, or rips books makes me also feel better about not paying full price. I hope "being thrifty" will pass on to my son - I know my mother was a great example for me." - Tami
But today starts another month and a different challenge! So bring on November. This month I know it will start (at least for some of us) to get harder to get outside. Because of cooler temperatures it will be easy to hole-up inside and avoid the outdoors. So I want to do everything I can to encourage us all to GET OUTSIDE! My challenge for this month is two-fold. First I want you to take your family or class for a hike. A long walk in a natural area. Second I want this hike to occur in a NEW place. Get out and explore. Find a new park or just a new trail in a park you know. But really explore the unkown and unfamiliar. Going hiking during this time of year can be really rewarding because with less leaves on the trees views can be more amazing, birds and other wildlife can be easier to spot and certain not so friendly plants and insects are starting to go dormant and be less of a pest. It can be an amazing experience. So GO! Hike. Explore. And then come back and tell me how it went. Share your experiences to motivate others to get outside. That's what it is all about, just encouraging each other that even with the smallest of kids it IS possible and enjoyable to get outside!
Finally, I am working on a fun idea for the blog for this month and next month. I want to do some toy reviews. I want to show all the parents out there some good options for Christmas presents. Some handmade, wood or fabric, environmentally friendly, kid learning friendly and endless play kind of options. AND I ALREADY HAVE ONE TOY MAKER LINED UP! So excited to share the first Etsy Store with you but you will have to wait to hear about them. What I need from you is some suggestions of other toy makers. Things you have seen that you would love to hear more about. Friends you know that might be interested in partnering with me. Types of toys you think are great eco-friendly options. I would love to hear your suggestions! Not only will I be reviewing these toys but also GIVING THEM AWAY to readers to help with the Christmas shopping! YEAH! Can you tell that I am excited about this?
The Nitty Gritty!
This was already a really long post so I will keep this short.
The flash cards were good today for one really great reason. AVERY! She paid attention to them. Watched as Sam and I were working with them and seemed interested. It reminded me that it was about this time that I started working with Sam on them. And Sam showed an interest in working with Avery on the flash cards. How great would that be to have Sam sit with Avery and do flashcards together? Has anyone ever tried this before? Could it also help Sam learn her letters? So interested in this idea of an older sibling being the teacher. Would love to hear stories of other moms that have done something like this. Super excited to have a new animal related activity to work on with Avery.
sounds like a great november challenge! :)
I have a review of some nature stuff coming up this week (hopefully) that you will LOVE!!! :)
Can't wait to see what you have in store for us :)
Posted by: welcome to our wonderland | 11/02/2010 at 04:47 AM